Gita Portfolio


My name is Terrance Chang, I am a freshman in GITA 2 at BOHS.

Last year in Jr. High, I took GITA 1 and learned the basics of computer science and how the field works. The course taught a strong work ethic in me, which has been beneficial throughout my academic journey. We focused on C# as the programming language, and I enjoyed using Visual Studio's user-friendly drag-and-drop programming environment.

This year in GITA 2 we are learning about a completely different side of computer science. I've enjoyed the web development side of the class. I think that HTML is very easy to use language that isn't that hard to get a hold of. This year should be fun and I am looking forward to learning more about web development.

I wish to attend the University of California, Irvine (UCI). My goal is to pursue a degree in cybersecurity while actively participating in wrestling. I aim to excel academically by achieving straight A's in every semester of my high school journey at BOHS. Additionally, I plan to be actively involved in various clubs on campus to enrich my overall college experience.

I have a strong inclination towards a career in cybersecurity, and my secondary interest lies in the field of software development. The idea of securing digital systems and creating innovative software solutions deeply relates with my professional goals. This dual interest allows me to engage with both the defensive aspects of cybersecurity and the creative process of software development.

My school is located at 789 Wildcat Way, Brea, CA. Their phone number is (714) 990-7850. The school website is here

I am taking two AP classes this year. Since I am a freshman those are the only APs I can take. I am taking AP human geography and AP computer science principles. AP computer science principles is the same as GITA 2. I've enjoyed both of these classes, my one big challenge is in HUG and remembering to write in full sentences. Other than that I've been able to stay on top of work in both classes and am doing well.

Currently I am involved with Jesus Club on campus and with Combat Sports Club. I enjoy both of these clubs for different reasons. I like Jesus club because of the ability to share a different part of my life/spend time with people from my church. I enjoy combat sports club because I get to hang out with people on the wrestling team and at the same time review matches and tapes so I can get better.

I volunteer at animal shelters, providing care and support to homeless animals, while also actively participating in the Chinese club to promote cultural exchange and understanding.

What is GITA?

The GITA program is about educating the next generation on how to operate in the digital sphere of our world. In this class we learn about computer science, which is one of the most important fields right now.

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