In this project I created my first project with things about me.
In this project I created a mailing label template to create labels quicker.
I made a car rental program that allows you to rent 3 different cars with different addons.
In this project I made a application to measure your BMI or body mass index
In this project I created an upgraded version of the car rental program with different and new upgrades
In this project I created a Craps Game where you can add and play while earning and losing money.
In this project I made a Taco Shop that allows you to buy tacos with different toppings.
In this project I created a slot machine game where you can spin the 3 images.
In this project I created a rock paper scissor spock lizard game where you can play with your friend.
In this project I created a project that was a clicker type game where you earn popcats.